Thursday, October 27, 2011

Skinny Fat

The other day I was thinking about a conversation I had with a nutritionist and I want to share it with you guys. The nutritionist was telling me about an anxorexic client she used to counsel and gave me an example of "skinny fat."

First of all lets define BMI (Body Mass Index)

Body mass index (BMI) is a calculation based on height and weight that correlates with the amount of body fat. Calculating your BMI will tell you if you are at a healthy weight. These calculators can be found all over the web at various health sites but for an accurate BMI calculation it should be done with a nutritionist or someone trained to do so. The web based calculators just give an average based on height, weight and age but there are many factors that contribute to your resutls and therefore make it different then the average number.

The normal BMI range is: 18.5 - 24.9
The overweight BMI range is 25.0 - 29.9
Obese is 30.0 and above

Ok, this client we are referring to weighed 80 pounds and had a BMI of 29.................... THAT IS SKINNY FAT! We can all imagine how extremely thin she looked BUT she was nothing more than bone and fat.......... YUCK!

Ok, so whats my point? What I want people to understand is that to be healthy and fit doesn't mean you have to be skinny or a size 2. There are tons of women who are a size 6 and 8 that are very healthy and look great. Genetics plays a huge factor in a womens physique and this is something that we can't control ladies! Being HEALTHY is key and that looks different for everyone! Dont strive to be a certain look, strive to find YOUR healthy!!

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